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When will enough be ENOUGH?

Today  was a "thinking day" - you know, one of those days where you feel like you could be a distant descendant of  Isaac Newton  or Alexander Graham Bell, you're philosophizing  and you  feel you can be right on the precipice of changing the world. I like these days.  

Today I was looking at the people around me and a thought struck me - "when will we have enough?" I keep thinking there's someone(s) stinking rich out there, chasing after even more money. Beautiful girls and guys all over the world are competing to be more attractive. We constantly see make-up videos on how to make ourselves "prettier" or how to hide those puberty pimples. Once upon a time I was just a bit chubby and I wanted to lose some weight, then I'd be at my ideal body weight. When I reached that goal in a healthy way, I wanted to lose more weight and more, because I could never get enough. I could never be too skinny. So this is my question; when will we be satisfied? Happy? 

I very soon realized I don't have the answer, but what I think it comes down to is what you see and feel when you look and think of the person wearing your skin. I guess allot of humanity may not be so happy with who and what they are or maybe with what they have caused in the world. Maybe this all causes a very dangerous circle of events, causing us to never be satisfied with what we have or who we are.

From where I'm standing (and please note, it's not in my own GP Practice with a MBBCh degree) it seems that this feeling of unfulfillment  has a different effect on every individual. I can certainly say it drove me to make some major decisions that led me to where I am today. Today, for the first time in almost 11 years I realized what truly brings me the happiness, peace and content I was so desperately trying to find. The journey ahead is still going to be as though as ever, but every single day there is an opportunity to grow and learn to prosper.

What do you see when you SEE yourself? xxx

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