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Eating Disorders - The Blurred Image.

I wasn't sure whether I should start this blog or not. I didn't know if it would really make the difference I was aiming to make or cause individuals with eating disorders to "back-slide"... But here goes my best effort at making a difference or helping SOMEONE!

I have been suffering from severe eating disorders, including Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia for just about more than 10 years now... Long time right??? I Know! Most individuals struggling with these illnesses for such a long period of time, never, or very rarely have a chance of ever recovering.

So... let me quickly explain what this blog is all about. I more often than not found myself exiled from friends and family (due to my own doing mostly). I was lonely and couldn't really talk about my thoughts to anyone, mostly because it would 1) scare the living crap out of them and 2) they would most probably judge you for not being able to look and think about something as simple as food like a normal human being.

Today I am still underweight, but I am no longer Anorexic or Bulemic. I want to provide a safe space for individuals suffering from these conditions to voice their feelings and thoughts, a place where we can share our hardships and support each other in this mental disturbance so few understand.

I want to encourage you today, if you are suffering from an eating disorder and you need emotional- and social support, talk to me. I am no professional, but I have been there. I understand.

"Nothing changes if nothing changes." - Anonymous

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